Thursday, January 07, 2010

Maiden Voyage

Ahoy! to all (five? six?) readers of Asher's much storied blog. this is the maiden post of The Erstwhile Philistine's first second blogger ever! I haven't thought of any clever title's yet, so I'm going with my usual handle (Andrew, if you don't know me).

Credentials: Before I ever met Asher I did in fact enjoy the novel pleasures of a category we might call the... "less-than-competent". My tastes ran primarily to the B-grade Kung-Fu variety, but was not averse to the B-grade in general. However. I must admit this amateurish habit was inflamed by Asher himself into a kind of passion approaching (if only asymptotically) the level of everyone's beloved Philistine. I have witnessed R.O.T.O.R. and survived. I have eaten peanut-butter-and-scrambled-egg sandwiches and enjoyed. I am competent to comment, or I like to think so. In any case I can run my mouth with the best of them.

Also: Yes, I am working on a series of posts on the Twilight novel, and yes, eventually I will write about basketball.

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